Marius von Mayenburg


Theatre Reduta / Drama Dates and tickets

How to cope with an enigmatic legacy?


The siblings Nicola and Philipp meet at the house of their deceased father to divide up his possessions and settle the rest of his estate. They have no reason believing that the heaps of junk may hide something valuable … even the attic is just filled with dust and junk. However, on a closer look, there is also a realistic painting of a church imemrsed in the night sky. How did the picture get here? Who could have painted it? Nicola’s and Philipp’s father whose secret hobby everybody ignored? Or did their father just forget to tell them that he had bought it at a bargain price? However, having taken a closer look at the painting, Philipp’s wife discovers a signature at the bottom: A. Hiller, or perhaps A. Hitler? The mysterious picture sparks a hell within the whole family, dragging its members into a swirl of questions and doubts. How could an artwork by the biggest mass murderer of the world end up at their father’s place? Is it real or fake? Is it ethical to own such a thing? How much could they sell it for? What could they buy for that amount? The family decides to have the painting authenticated by an expert.

The most recent play by Marius von Mayenburg (*1972) is a vicious comedy evoking not only the grievous legacy of Germany’s past, but also disputes over inheritance and the feeling of social guilt reverberating across generations. It received its premiere at the Berlin Theater Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz at the end of 2022. The Dramatic Company of the Brno National Theater is the first Czech ensemble to put it on stage. Although the subject matter seems to be inseparable from Germany’s gloomy past, some of its facets have common points with the dark periods of Czech history. The staging is to be directed by Aminata Keita, who already produced Amphitryon, Nobody and The Feminist for the Reduta Theater.


Czech premiere: at Reduta Theater on October 20th, 2023

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Production team

Michal Kotrouš Překlad
Aminata Keita Režie
Vít Kořínek Dramaturgie
Linda Holubová Kostýmy
Filip Horn Světelný design
Matyáš Vorda Video a projekce
Martin Hůla Hudba


When do we play?

Nightscape Mahen Theatre / Drama


Lecturer's introduction before the performance
  • 15/03/2025
  • 19:00 - 21:20
