

5. October 2021

Rules and recommendations

Theater performances can take place.

In areas with a capacity of up to 3,000 spectators, all spectators must demonstrate that one of the following conditions is met upon arrival:

  • have a negative RT-PCR test not exceeding 7 days old,
  • have a negative RAT antigen test up to 72 hours old,
  • pass a self-test on the spot with a negative result,
  • have a confirmation from a health service provider of passing a RAT antigen test under the supervision of a healthcare professional through an online service with a negative result no more than 24 hours before the event,
  • have laboratory confirmation of having recovered from covid-19 disease in the period not longer than 180 days before the day of the event,
  • have proof of covid-19 vaccination, with at least 14 days since the last vaccine dose (second for two-dose vaccines, first for single-dose vaccines).

In larger areas, at least 50% of spectators over the limit of 3,000 people must be fully vaccinated or must meet the condition of having covid-19 in the past. Another 50% of viewers can prove infectivity in other ways.

Also, everyone present must have a respirator without an exhalation valve of min. class FFP2 (KN95 / N95) on at all times.