Yasmina Reza

Anne-Marie the Beauty

Mahenovo divadlo - Malá scéna / Drama 17/04/2025 19:00 Sold Out
  • A confession of a second-rate actress

    When Anne-Maries learns about the death of her former friend and colleague, an admired actress, she decides to hold a press conference seeking to complement the plethora of exalting obituaries with her own memories, stories and observations. However, a single journalist arrives… Anne-Marie, who may have never really intended to reminisce about her colleague, narrates her own life in an uninterrupted monologue. In her confession, the elderly lady, aware of her own end, settles accounts with her career as an actress, with the theatrical world, with those people who shaped her life, and with herself as well. NTB audiences may know Yasmina Reza (*1959), the most successful French playwright, owing to her drama Art, or thanks to Roman Polanski’s film adaptation of her play God of Carnage. Reza’s most recent play, the monodrama Anne-Marie the Beauty (2020), is an extraordinary piece. It is adorned with the playwright’s sense of dramatic composition while growing out of an enormous fragility and a very special authenticity: the part of the only character of the play, the dying actress, is to be acted by an old man. Old age, unloaded with gender, can thus appear on stage. The NTB Drama Company is proud to have an actor capable of undertaking such a challenge. It is Bedřich Výtisk who plays the part of Anne-Marie the Beauty.

    Premiere: April 17th, 2025 at Mahen Theatre – Small Stage

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    Production team

    Yasmina Reza Author
    Michal Lázňovský Translated by
    Marián Amsler Directed by


    When do we play?

    Anne-Marie the Beauty Mahenovo divadlo - Malá scéna / Drama Yasmina Reza

    Anne-Marie the Beauty

    Sold Out
    • 17/04/2025
    • 19:00
    Anne-Marie the Beauty Mahenovo divadlo - Malá scéna / Drama Yasmina Reza

    Anne-Marie the Beauty

    Bonjour Brno
    • 26/04/2025
    • 17:00
    Anne-Marie the Beauty Mahenovo divadlo - Malá scéna / Drama Yasmina Reza

    Anne-Marie the Beauty

    • 11/05/2025
    • 17:00
    Anne-Marie the Beauty Mahenovo divadlo - Malá scéna / Drama Yasmina Reza

    Anne-Marie the Beauty

    • 14/05/2025
    • 19:00
