Karel Čapek, Josef Čapek
Pictures from the Insects’ Life
“I don’t want to reform anyone, either insects or humans. I’m just looking.“
An entertaining journey through the realm of insects, butterflies, dung beetles, crickets, ichneumon wasps, ants and mayflies, during which the Čapek brothers hold a microscope to all those creatures – often very beautiful at first sight – which turn out to be entirely earthbound. A closer look reveals that what they really long for are not noble ideals, but merely the lowest needs. In terms of concept, the new staging by the NTB Drama Company (Štěpán Pácl and Milan Šotek) is approached as a comedic revue with singing and dancing.
The composer of the music for the production is Jakub Kudláč, who received the Czech Lion Award and Theatre Critics’ Awards in the past. The lyrics have been written by Robin Král, a poet renowned far beyond children’s poetry. The rendition of the insect movements that often remind of dance constitutes an inseparable and highly appreciated part of the production. That is why we have invited the outstanding dancer Andrea Opavská to join our actors in order to enrich the staging with the elements of dance.
The stage and costumes have been designed by stage designer, actor and artistic director of the Spejbl and Hurvinek Theatre, David Janošek, whose previous scenic achievements, such as The Increased Difficulty of Concentration at the Reduta Theatre, or Ferdy the Ant, the Merry Widow and La bohème at the Janaček Theatre, have won great renown. For this production, too, David Janoušek together with the stage director Štěpán Pácl have created a very attractive and impressive stage setting.
Now you can start looking forward to observing fickle butterflies, greedy tumblebugs, combative ants, dancing mayflies and much more. One hundred and two years after its world premiere on the stage of the Mahen Theatre this world-famous comedy by the Čapek brothers will make it back to the same stage on October 11th, 2024.
Interviews with creators
You can become convinced about the outstanding qualities of our staging team by reading the interviews that these multi-talented artists recently gave to the Czech media:
Tanečnice a choregrafka Andrea Opavská v podcastu Dance Context.
Textař a básník Robin Král v pořadu Českého rozhlasu Vizitka.
Jakub Kudláč o hudbě k inscenaci Bakchantky, za kterou získal Cenu divadelní kritky.
Premiere: October 11th, 2024 at Mahen Theatre
Production team
When do we play?
Pictures from the Insects’ Life
Lecturer's introduction before the performance- 15/02/2025
- 19:00 - 21:30
Pictures from the Insects’ Life
EN SUB- 27/02/2025
- 19:00 - 21:30
Pictures from the Insects’ Life
- 23/03/2025
- 17:00 - 19:30
Pictures from the Insects’ Life
výpravná hudební revue- 03/05/2025
- 19:00 - 21:30